November is National Diabetes Month--a time to inform, take action, and support our community in preventing and managing diabetes.
In 2018, Guam’s type 2 diabetes rate was considered an epidemic at 12% of our adult population. Now in 2021, diabetes plays a role in the current pandemic as a major risk factor for severe COVID-19 infection. Now more than ever is a critical time for diabetes prevention.
It is crucial to make lifestyle changes once diagnosed with prediabetes--a condition where blood sugar levels are above normal but not yet within the range of diabetes. While the CDC estimates that ⅓ of America’s adult population has prediabetes, most affected may not even know they have it. You can check for prediabetes with a simple blood sugar test at your next doctor’s visit.
Healthier eating is an important lifestyle change for diabetes prevention. Smarter food choices can help you avoid excess calories, sodium, and saturated fat, while improving fiber, vitamin, and mineral intake. Consider these 10 simple swap-outs to get you started.
1. Swap out white rice with riced vegetables or beans.
We tend to load up at least half of our plates with rice, which adds on calories from carbohydrates without fiber. A small switch to brown rice will provide just a bit more fiber. If your goal is to reduce overall calories, frozen riced veggies are a low-calorie and convenient option. If calories aren’t an issue, switching to beans adds a powerful punch of fiber and protein. Just be sure to add beans gradually, as a drastic increase in fiber may cause digestive discomfort.
2. Swap out chips & crackers with fresh veggies, like cucumber and celery.
3. Swap out cookies with fruit.
4. Swap out your morning frappe with a blend of coffee and nut-based milk.
Flavored frappes are often heavy in calories from sugar and cream. Save your calories for breakfast instead by blending coffee with calcium-rich and vitamin d-rich almond or coconut milk beverage.
5. Swap out energy drinks with black coffee.
6. Swap out sugary beverages with water.
7. Swap out instant ramen with instant oatmeal.
Instant ramen can be a significant source of sodium and saturated fat. If you need a quick meal, reach for instant oatmeal instead. Save money by purchasing oats in bulk rather than pre-packed individual portions.
8. Swap out breakfast pastries with a hard-boiled egg and fruit.
9. Swap out granola with nuts.
10. Swap out sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners.
There are a wide variety of sweeteners available that add little to no calories--some even add fiber. Natural products are made from plant extracts. They are especially useful for reducing the calorie load of baked treats.